An 18-year-old schoolboy fan of the Netflix Addams Family show who tried to cut his classmate’s throat at their school leaving ceremony is to be locked up in a psychiatric hospital instead of being sent to jail.
Horror footage shows Lera A. screaming as Grisha Z., then 17, grabs her from behind and tries to slice her throat open with a nine-inch-long blade in Ilovlya, Russia.
Grisha Z. was reportedly a huge fan of the Netflix series “Wednesday” whose protagonist Wednesday Addams was expelled after putting piranhas in her school swimming pool.
When she is then moved to a new school and asked by her pretty blonde new roommate if she would like to take a stab at her friends, she replies: “I like stabbing.”
Luckily the blonde victim Lera, 17, was only lightly grazed after quick-acting pupils grabbed Grisha Z. on the stage in front of shocked teachers and parents on 23rd May.

As they wrested the knife from his grip, Lera was able to escape from her attacker, whom authorities later took into custody on suspicion of attempted murder.
The attack took place at School No. 1’s “last bell” – a traditional ceremony in Russian schools celebrated just after classes finish but before final exams.
The pupils were performing a song on stage when the attack happened. The fact that Grisha Z. had a knife in his pocket suggests the attack was premeditated.
Media in the Volgograd region now report that after a psychiatric examination, Grisha Z. will not be going to jail.

Instead, he has been “recommended for compulsory treatment in a medical institution”.
The recommendation is not believed to be final.