This is the terrifying moment a 10-year-old schoolboy suffers massive head injuries when a beer keg shoots into his face after he slams it down on the ground.
Shocking video footage, apparently filmed by his pals, shows him playing with the keg as he walks to school in Tomsk, in Russia’s Siberia.
The boy swings the keg high over his head and then brings it crashing down in front of him.
But as it hits the ground, the keg explodes straight into his face with a deafening crack like a gunshot and blows his baseball cap off his head.

As the hard-to-watch footage ends, the boy is sent flying backwards.
Medics later revealed the blast had shattered his skull and splintered his upper jaw and a cheekbone, causing multiple cuts, local media reported on 22nd May.
Gruesome aftermath images show him in hospital with his face swathed in thick bloodstained bandages.

Another image, which was blurred at source, appears to show the massive injuries he suffered to his face, with him apparently left with large open wounds on his forehead.
The police are investigating how the beer keg ended up on the street.