Four-Year-Old Boy Sucked Dry By Mosquitoes And Frozen At Night Survives 3 Days In Siberian Wilderness

A toddler has been treated for blood loss and hypothermia after being attacked by mosquitoes during a four-day trek across the Arctic tundra after he got lost.

The little boy aged four, who was identified only by his first name Nachyn, got lost in the forest near the town of Chadan which is in the Tuva Republic in Russia on 25th July.

When his absence was noted, rescuers moved to the region joining levels in the increasingly fruitless search to find the youngster, without fading that he would turn up alive.

The town is in the middle of a vast wilderness of expansive open grasslands and forests, and the little lad had been playing in the courtyard of his home in the care of a relative.

That person said that they only took the eyes often for a second and when they looked back, he was gone.

He alerted the parents who spent four hours looking for the boy, and when that was unsuccessfully called the police, who came to the realisation that the boy must have gone into the forest.

Photo shows a four-year-old boy with his family after he was found alive in Chadan, Tuva, Russia, Thursday, July 27, 2023. The boy went missing in the forest on July 25, 2023. (@khovalyg_live/Newsflash)

Volunteers, a local investigator and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations joined the search.

In total, about 400 people were looking for the boy.

When he was eventually found after three days on 27th July, he was some 2.5 kilometres (1.5 miles) from his village.

The community leader Vladislav Khovalyg said that the boy was suffering from cold and had also been severely bitten by mosquitoes.

The safe rescue follows on from the similar story of a three-year-old boy from Yakutia, who was searched for by rescuers and local residents for a day before he was finally found and rescued.

The region has typically heavy rainfall and throughout the year temperatures rarely rise very high and even in July which is the warmest month the maximum temperature is usually around 18 degrees Celsius during the day.

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