Read more about the article First Pics Of Man Run Over By 77-Tonne Airbus A320 Who Is Now Awake After Losing Leg
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First Pics Of Man Run Over By 77-Tonne Airbus A320 Who Is Now Awake After Losing Leg

These are the first pictures of a man run over by a 77-tonne Airbus A320 and left fighting for his life after losing a leg. The distressing images were filmed at Koltsovo airport in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg on 19th May. The footage shows the 21-year-old airport worker,…

Read more about the article 620lb Man Found Dead After Five Years Living On A Sofa
Photo shows Leonid Andreev, undated. Andreev, from Tyumen, Russia, reportedly died of a heart attack caused by excess weight. (Newsflash)

620lb Man Found Dead After Five Years Living On A Sofa

A 620-lb man who lived on a sofa and had not left his remote home in five years has been found dead from a heart attack. Photo shows Leonid Andreev, undated. Andreev, from Tyumen, Russia, reportedly died of a heart attack caused by excess weight. (Newsflash) The body of Leonid…

Read more about the article Man Flees From Cops By Walking Electric Cable Tightrope Between Two Buildings
A man moves on electric wires between the roofs of houses in Orsk, Orenburg Oblast, Russia on Saturday, Nov. 18, 2023. He tried to escape from police. (CEN)

Man Flees From Cops By Walking Electric Cable Tightrope Between Two Buildings

This is the moment an intoxicated man walks on stretched electric wires without any protective kit between the roofs of two residential buildings in a bid to escape from the police. The incident took place on Gorky Street, in the city of Orsk, in Orenburg Oblast, in Russia, on…

Read more about the article Man Survived Bullets, Beating And Even Being Run Over After Stabbing Mum And Child
Photo shows Roman Kontselidze who was shot by police several times in Lyubertsy, Russia, undated. Kontselidze allegedly attacked a mother and her child with machete before he was shot by police. (CEN)

Man Survived Bullets, Beating And Even Being Run Over After Stabbing Mum And Child

This is the horror-movie moment a deranged zombie hunter with a machete shrugs off being shot seven times by police after attacking a mum and child. Shocking video footage of police tackling the man in Lyubertsy, Moscow Oblast, Russia, shows him getting up from a series of increasingly desperate…

Read more about the article Medics Find Six-Centimetre Knife Blade Wedged In Man’s Shoulder
Photo shows the x-ray image of the shoulder of a man, undated. A six-centimeter-long fragment of a metal knife blade was removed from the man’s shoulder at a hospital in Mozhaysk, Russia. (Russian Ministry of Health/Newsflash)

Medics Find Six-Centimetre Knife Blade Wedged In Man’s Shoulder

Doctors were left in shock when they discovered a six-centimetre knife blade embedded in a patient's shoulder when he turned up complaining about pain. Photo shows the x-ray image of the shoulder of a man, undated. A six-centimeter-long fragment of a metal knife blade was removed from the man’s shoulder…

Read more about the article Man Plunges Into Fountain After Iconic Statue He Climbed Snaps In Half
Picture shows Victor Russo, 23, undated. He climbed onto the fountain-monument, tore off a piece of it, fell into the water and was hospitalized with injures on Arbat in Moscow. (CEN)

Man Plunges Into Fountain After Iconic Statue He Climbed Snaps In Half

This is the moment a boozed-up Russian man tried to put on an acrobatic performance outside a theatre by climbing a fountain – and ended up falling off when the statue broke. The man, identified as Victor Russo, 23, had climbed up to the top of the bronze Princess…

Read more about the article Man Says New Therapy Is Finally Helping Wife Who Always Forgets Him Next Day
Photo shows Maria Polischuk, with her husband, Gennady Ishmulov, and their children, undated. Maria, from Ulyanovsk, Russia, allegedly suffers from a memory loss caused due to childbirth. (Maria Polischuk/CEN)

Man Says New Therapy Is Finally Helping Wife Who Always Forgets Him Next Day

A husband whose beautiful banker wife ended up unable to remember anything for more than a day after a hospital visit is fighting for a happy ending just like in the Drew Barrymore film "50 First Dates". Photo shows Maria Polischuk, with her husband, Gennady Ishmulov, and their children, undated.…

Read more about the article Exploding Mobile Saves Man From Big Cat Attack
Rescue team assists man injured by a jaguar in Paiagus region, in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, Tuesday, Aug. 29, 2023. The man fought with the animal. (CBBMS/Newsflash)

Exploding Mobile Saves Man From Big Cat Attack

A hungry wild jaguar bit off more than it could chew when it fastened its jaws on a Brazilian cowboy and bit straight into his exploding mobile phone. The cowhand had been checking what was spooking the dogs at a ranch in the Paiaguas region when the big cat…


Man Who Lit Cigarette From The Eternal Flame Detained By Police

The video shows the moment a young man lights a cigarette from the eternal flame dedicated to the fallen war heroes and is immediately arrested by police Man Who Lit Cigarette From The Eternal Flame Detained By Police— NewsX (@newsx_media) July 13, 2023 The unknown man lit the cigarette…

Read more about the article Man Convicted For Murder Of Little Girl 7 Years Later
Photo shows Svetlana Dudina, undated. Remains of Svetlana were found in January 2020 after she went missing in 2016. (Newsflash)

Man Convicted For Murder Of Little Girl 7 Years Later

The parents of a little girl dubbed the Russian Madeleine McCann after she vanished in 2016 can finally move on after a man was convicted of her murder. Photo shows Svetlana Dudina, undated. Remains of Svetlana were found in January 2020 after she went missing in 2016. (Newsflash) The long-running…