This is the moment a boozed-up Russian man tried to put on an acrobatic performance outside a theatre by climbing a fountain – and ended up falling off when the statue broke.
The man, identified as Victor Russo, 23, had climbed up to the top of the bronze Princess Turandot fountain at the Vakhtangov Theatre on Arbat Street in the centre of the Russian capital Moscow.
Victor, who was clearly drunk, according to eyewitnesses, was initially spurred on by the applause from the audience while performing and waving his arms about until things took a turn for the worse when the statue broke – and he came tumbling down into the fountain.
Eyewitnesses said that the water cushioned his fall but he was still badly hurt and ended up being hospitalised with several fractures.
He is also facing a police investigation for criminal damage over breaking the statue, which will reportedly take at least six months to repair.

The historic Princess Turandot fountain monument was installed by sculptor Alexander Burganov to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Vakhtangov production of Turandot play by Carlo Gozzi in 1997.
The play has been performed at the theatre regularly since 1922 and its main heroine, the wayward Princess Turandot, has become closely linked with the theatre itself.
Arbat Street is also a historic street that has existed since at least the 15th century, making it one of Moscow’s oldest surviving streets.