Read more about the article Mother Of Five Was Dumped By SMS Text
Photo shows Khabib Patokhonov from Tajikistan, Valya Isanova from Russia, and their children, undated. They had their first child when Valya was 11 years old. (Newsflash)

Mother Of Five Was Dumped By SMS Text

A mum-of-five who gave birth to her first child aged just 11 has told of her heartbreak when her second husband dumped her - and to make matters worse she only found out in a text message from his new love. Photo shows Khabib Patokhonov from Tajikistan, Valya Isanova from…

Read more about the article Mum Lived With Three Children’s Corpses To Carry On Claiming Benefits
Photo shows a woman who allegedly lived with the bodies of her dead children in Velikiye Luki, Pskov, Russia, undated. She was arrested after her mother allegedly turned to police. (Newsflash)

Mum Lived With Three Children’s Corpses To Carry On Claiming Benefits

A mother who lived with the mummified remains of her children while she still claimed state benefits for them has been seized by the police in Russia. Horrified officers found the gruesome skeletal remains of a baby still wearing its nappy at the filthy family flat in the town…

Read more about the article Mother Weds Adopted Son 31 Years Her Junior
Photo shows Aisylu Chizhevskaya Mingalim with her adopted son Daniil, whom she raised for the last eight years. Aisylu married Daniil in Kazan, Tatarstan, in October 2023. (Aisylu Chizhevskaya Mingalim/CEN)

Mother Weds Adopted Son 31 Years Her Junior

A mother who married her adopted son 31 years her junior has told how she is fleeing to Moscow so she can keep her five other children. Photo shows Aisylu Chizhevskaya Mingalim with her adopted son Daniil, whom she raised for the last eight years. Aisylu married Daniil in Kazan,…

Read more about the article Teen Who Ran Down Children And Baby While On Her Phone Leaves Jail
Picture shows Valeria Bashkirova, 20, undated. She killed two children smashing them by her car in Moscow in July, 2021 and left the colony on parole in August, 2023. (Valeria Bashkirova/Newsflash)

Teen Who Ran Down Children And Baby While On Her Phone Leaves Jail

A blonde teenager who ran over and killed two children on a zebra crossing while she was on her phone has been released early from prison for good behaviour. Valeria Bashkirova was 18 when she mowed down the kids aged five and four and a baby in a stroller…

Read more about the article Stunning Accountant Practices Pole Dancing In Children’s Play Park
Lesya Novikov performs a pole dance at a playground in Yekaterinburg, Russia, undated. Lesya Novikov, an accountant, became interested in pole dancing eight years ago. (CEN)

Stunning Accountant Practices Pole Dancing In Children’s Play Park

This is the moment a woman looking to practice sexy pole dancing while scantily dressed decides to go to the local playground and use one of the poles put in place for children. A video shot from a nearby block of flats shows the woman named Lesya Novikova unashamedly…