Read more about the article Neurosurgeons Remove Shell Fragment From Boy’s Brain
Photo shows Mykhailo Volovykov, 9, from Kherson, Ukraine, undated. He received a severe head wound during mortar shelling of the city. (Saint Nicholas Children's Hospital/Newsflash)

Neurosurgeons Remove Shell Fragment From Boy’s Brain

Neurosurgeons have removed a shell fragment from the brain of a nine-year-old boy in Ukraine who was injured on New Year's Eve by Russian mortar fire that killed his 11-year-old friend on the spot. Photo shows Mykhailo Volovykov, 9, from Kherson, Ukraine, undated. He received a severe head wound during…

Read more about the article  Schoolboy Shot Friend In Face With Flare Gun Then Lied To Say They Were Attacked By Strangers
Schoolboy shoots his friend in the face with a flare gun at caf in Saint Petersburg, Russia on Monday, Oct. 30, 2023. Teenager was hospitalized but did not confess that it was his friends. (@procspb/Newsflash)

 Schoolboy Shot Friend In Face With Flare Gun Then Lied To Say They Were Attacked By Strangers

Schoolboy shot his friend in the face with a flare gun and came up with a story about an attack by unknown people so that "parents don't scold". The incident happened in the Rostic's café on Bogatyrskaya Street in St. Petersburg, Russia on October 30. CCTV footage shows school…