Read more about the article Doc Used Wrong Sperm In Botched Op Then Blamed Wife For Cheating
Photo shows Elena Samarina and Alexander Lysenko, undated. Their embryo was mixed with another couple's during IVF in Stavropol, Russia. (Newsflash)

Doc Used Wrong Sperm In Botched Op Then Blamed Wife For Cheating

A doctor who used the wrong sperm in a couple's botched IVF op that left them with a Down's Syndrome baby will not be prosecuted despite accusing the wife of cheating after tests revealed her husband could not be the father. Photo shows Elena Samarina and Alexander Lysenko, undated. Their…

Read more about the article Doc Hides Her Inkings Under Scrubs
Photo shows Elizaveta Mogilkina, undated. Mogilkina, a general practitioner from Irkutsk, Russia, is covered from head to toe with tattoos. (@mogilkinaliza/Newsflash)

Doc Hides Her Inkings Under Scrubs

A tattoo artist turned doctor has told how she hides her inkings under her medical scrubs so she does not scare off patients in her ambulance in Russia. Photo shows Elizaveta Mogilkina, undated. Mogilkina, a general practitioner from Irkutsk, Russia, is covered from head to toe with tattoos. (@mogilkinaliza/Newsflash) Blonde…

Read more about the article Fresh Enquiry As Doc Cleared Of Malpractice Causing Protests From Family
Photo shows Mariel, whose skull was broken during birth in a maternity hospital in Novosibirsk, Russia, undated. According to all the examinations carried out on the case, the doctors' fault was not found. (Newsflash)

Fresh Enquiry As Doc Cleared Of Malpractice Causing Protests From Family

A top Russian prosecutor has ordered a fresh investigation after a woman gave birth to a baby who then fell headfirst on the floor, tearing apart the placenta as the umbilical cord was pulled by the falling newborn. Photo shows Mariel, whose skull was broken during birth in a maternity…