Woman Lived 80 Years With Needle In Brain

An 80-year-old woman has been living with a three-centimetre-long needle in her brain that was intended to kill her at birth, amazed medics have discovered. The woman, who has not been named, had been undergoing a CT scan when the needle was found. Bue the gruesome truth of the discovery…

Read more about the article Mom Hid Daughter Was Alive Until Deathbed Confession To Sister Who Helped With Birth
Photo shows Nina Mogilina (left) and Lyuba Chernovaya (right), undated. Nina Mogilina, from the village of Pokrovka near Novosibirsk, Russia, has learned many years later that her sister, who she thought was dead, was alive. (Nina Mogilina/Newsflash)

Mom Hid Daughter Was Alive Until Deathbed Confession To Sister Who Helped With Birth

A young woman has been reunited with a sister she never knew was alive after a deathbed confession by her mother. Photo shows Nina Mogilina (left) and Lyuba Chernovaya (right), undated. Nina Mogilina, from the village of Pokrovka near Novosibirsk, Russia, has learned many years later that her sister, who…