The glamorous daughter of a former regional governor is the latest in a long line of public figures to suddenly fall dead in Russia.

The concierge of the Moscow condo where blonde Natalia Bochkareva lived called the police to report that she had stopped answering the door.
She revealed that the 44-year-old had been feeling unwell the day before.
Officers went to the property in the upscale Presnensky District on 11th July, forced open the front door, and, inside, came across the grim sight of Natalia’s dead body.
According to preliminary reports, there were no signs of a violent death.
Natalia was the daughter of the late Vasily Bochkarev, who governed Penza oblast from 1998 to 2015.
A year after leaving office, the 67-year-old, who belonged to Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party, passed away from lung cancer.
It is known that Natalia managed the family lumber-processing and bakery businesses after her father’s passing.

She had hit headlines two years ago after falling victim to a scam.
Over the course of two months, Natalia had sent a self-styled fortune teller RUB 16 million (GBP 136,000) to remove a curse.
However, after receiving the money, the fortune teller had broken off all contact with Natalia and had failed to fulfil her part of their agreement.
The police had ended up getting involved.
According to preliminary reports, Natalia suffered from heart problems.
In some reports, her age was given as 45.