Boiling Water From Central Heating Plant Floods Russian Street

This is the moment a massive geyser of boiling water shoots into the street over a Russian road after a pipe ruptured.

The incident took place next to the Gusinobrodskoye Highway in the city of Novosibirsk on 18th May.

The video shows the massive fountain of water shooting into the air right next to the busy road.

Local media said that a pipe had burst and had flooded the road, bringing traffic to a standstill, with water shooting dozens of feet into the air.

Footage shows big fountain of water coming out of the ground on Gusinobrodskoe highway in Novosibirsk, Russia on Saturday, May 18, 2024. Water flooded the roadway, causing cars to get stuck in a traffic jam. (Newsflash)

The water was reportedly eventually turned off so that the local authorities could repair the burst pipe.

In Russia, water is often heated in a central plant before being pumped into surrounding homes, meaning that while people often enjoy hot water during the country’s cold winters, there is a risk that pipes can rupture due to the pressure.

Local media said that the pipe was undergoing testing and that locals had been warned that ruptures in the network could occur.

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